For a few days this week, here in Pennsylvania, we had a small taste of the approaching Fall weather. Cool mornings that required long sleeves and jeans, the sweet crispness to the breeze and the ability to eat outside and not sweat into your meal!
The temperatures will rise again over the weekend, summer is not over, but there is the promise of Fall: baked apples with cinnamon, stacking firewood for the soon to be constantly burning fireplace, watching the horses coats grow thicker, pulling in the hummingbird feeders until next year, ACC football, etc., etc....
This also means the onset of drier skin and the need for more moisturization. Now is the perfect time to prep your skin for maximum absorption of oils and butters...exfoliation.
We are so busy outside during the summer that we may not need as much regular exfoliation...we are playing in the sand, sweating and wiping our face more often, and generally putting our skin through more rigorous exposure. But as we head towards cooler weather lets take moment to remove keratinized skin that can prevent deep penetration of oil, promote small cracks or fissures that can harbor bacteria, clog pores and leave rough patches.
So let’s celebrate exfoliating and moisturizing this week...
10% off our 2.5 ounce Polished Cleanse (tube or jar) and
10% off Body Oil,
today through Sunday.
Take a moment to relax, exfoliate your whole body and then soothe yourself with your favorite flavor of Body Oil.
Thank you for being a part of my family.
xo, Frances